Wednesday 29 January 2020

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

I am learning:
- animal words and how to describe them in French
- how electricity works, where it comes from, safety issues from a presentation
- reading strategies in LA
- about the regions of Canada through slideshows, acting and sharing information
- our 3x tables and 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication in Math
- how to make games using what we know about multiplication
- how to play Nugetball (like volleyball) in Gym and the rules of volleyball

1. Read 20 minutes
2. Review 3x tables - 5 minutes
3. Snack & Chat - Thursday
*Pizza & Movie - Thursday 6:30
*No School Friday
*Family Math Night - next Thursday 6:30pm
*Ski/snowboard next Wednesday

Tuesday 28 January 2020

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

I am learning:
- 3x tables in Math
- handwriting in LA
- how to make a game using 2 digit by 1 digit and 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication
- about each region of Canada
- how to use textures, lines, shapes, patterns in Art
- how to say and describe animals in French

1. Read 20 minutes
2. Review 3x tables - 5 minutes
3. LA - School Years (rough copy) - due Wednesday
4. Snack & Chat - Thursday
*Movie & Pizza night - Thursday
*No School Friday
*Family Math Night - Feb 6 from 6:30-8:00pm
*Ski/snowboard Day - Feb 5th

Monday 27 January 2020

Monday, January 27, 2020

I am learning:
- how to do 3x tables in Math
- how to say animals in French (practice by making a zoo)
- about the regions of Canada in SS
- how to use reading strategies in LA
- how to do a volley, bump, serve and spike (practice rallies) in volleyball
- how to do handwriting in LA
- how to practice 2 by 1 and 2 by 2 digit multiplication by making games
- how to play recorders in Music

1. Read 20 minutes
2. Review 3x tables - 5 minutes
3. Snack & Chat - Thursday
4. Animal Art - due Wednesday
*Electricity Presentation - Tuesday
*No School on Friday - PD Day
*Report Card Envelopes returned ASAP

Thursday 23 January 2020

Thursday, January 23, 2020

I am learning:
- how to use patterns, shapes, lines and texture using animals in Art
- how to do 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication
- our 9x tables
- about autobiographies and how to write one
- new words in word work
- how to practice volleyball moves with a partner
- how to do research in a group and find information from a textbook on a specific region of Canada
- how to say and write animal words in French

1. Read 20 minutes
2. Review 9x tables - 5 minutes
3. LA - Early Years paragraph - due Friday
4. SS - research for your region - be ready to present on Monday
*Snack & Chat - next Thursday
*Report Card Envelopes returned ASAP
*Study Word Work Words

Tuesday 21 January 2020

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

I am learning:
- how to do 2 digit by 2 digit multiplication (standard form and box method)
- how to keep a beat with the concentration game in Music
- our 9x tables
- about a specific region (Atlantic, Arctic or Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands)
- how to infer, visualize, connect and question with a book (Community of Readers)
- about animals in French
- how to use lines, shapes, patterns, color using animals in Art

1. Read 20 minutes
2. Review 9x tables - 5 minutes
3. Science Fair - tomorrow
4. Snack & Chat - Jan 30th
5. LA - rough copy of Early Years - due Thursday
*Volunteers for Glenbow Field Trip - Tuesday, March 10th (Signup Genius)
*Family Math Night - Feb 6 from 6:30-8:00pm

Monday 20 January 2020

Monday, January 20, 2019

I am learning:

- 9x tables in Math
- 2 digit by 1 digit multiplication
- new word work words
- how to use a Thesaurus to find synonyms
- how to do an underhand and overhand serve for volleyball
- how to do a rally in volleyball
- how to say animal words in French
- how to make art with lines, shapes, animals, colors

1. Read 20 minutes
2. Math - review 9x tables - 5 minutes
3. LA - early years notes - for Tuesday
4. Science Fair - Wednesday

Thursday 16 January 2020

Thursday, January 16, 2020

I am learning:

- how to multiply 2 digit by 1 digit
- how to edit our autobiography birth stories
- about the history of the Hudson's Bay Company and other jobs in the Canadian Shield
- how to underhand serve in volleyball
- how to say animals in French
- how to use mixed media to show the landforms of the 6 regions of Canada
- how to question, connect, visualize and make inferences when reading in groups
- how to read fluently out loud

1. Read 20 minutes
2. Review 5x and 10x tables - 5 minutes
3. LA - Birth Story good copy - due Friday
*Science Fair - Wednesday
*Report Card envelopes returned ASAP
*Ski/snowboard forms returned ASAP
*Snack & Chat - Jan 30
*Pizza & Movie Night - Jan 30 @ 6:00pm

Wednesday 15 January 2020

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

I am learning:
- how to write word work words in fun ways
- how to write letters in handwriting
- how to solve different equations (2 by 1 digit multiplication) using standard form and box method
- about the history of the First Nations, Europeans, Chinese, Japanese, Sikhs, NWMP and gold rush in SS
- how to play the recorder in Music
- how to infer, ask questions, visualize and make connections with our reading groups in LA
- how to edit our autobiography birth story using COPS and ARMS
- how to bump and volley in Gym

1. Read 20 minutes
2. Autobiography - rough copy of birth story paragraph - due Thursday
3. Math - review 5x and 10x - 5 minutes
4. Science Fair - next Wednesday
*Snack & Chat - Jan 30
*Report Card envelopes returned ASAP
*Opera auditions tomorrow at lunch
*Ski/snowboard forms returned ASAP

Tuesday 14 January 2020

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

I am learning:
- how to do standard form and box method for 2 digit by 1 digit multiplication
- about the history of the Cordillera region
- how to a bump and a volley in Gym
- how to write an autobiography (Birth Story)
- how to use cursive writing
- how to say animals in French

1. Read 20 minutes
2. Math - review 5x and 10x tables - 5 minutes
3. LA - rough copy of birth story paragraph - due Wednesday
4. Science Fair - next Wednesday
*Opera auditions - Thursday
*Snack & Chat - Jan 30

Monday 13 January 2020

Monday, January 13, 2020

I am learning:
- how to multiply 2 digit by 1 digit equations
- our 5x and 10x tables
- how to bump in volleyball
- animals in French
- about the history of the Cordillera region
- how to use lines, textures, shapes to make a 3D mug
- how to use mixed media to represent the 6 regions of Canada
- how to use visualizing, connecting, questioning and making inferences when reading
- how to use the dictionary and thesaurus to find meanings and synonyms

1. Read 20 minutes
2. LA - autobiography research due Tuesday
3. Math - review 5x and 10x tables - 5 minutes
4. Music - bring recorders Wednesday
*Opera auditions on Thursday
*School Science Fair - due Jan 22
*Report Card envelopes returned
*Ski/snowboard forms returned
*Snack & Chat - Jan 30

Thursday 9 January 2020

Thursday, January 9, 2020

I am learning:

- how to make inferences about a story (Make Four Million Dollars by Next Thursday)
- our basic facts (focus on 2x tables) in Math
- how to use strategies to learn our basic facts
- the climate, physical features and natural resources in the Cordillera region
- about texture, lines and shapes in Art
- how to tell what note is on the staff in Music

1. Read 20 minutes
2. Math - review 2x tables - 5 minutes
3. Math - 8 problems - due Friday
4. Snack & Chat book title - due Friday
5. LA - visual journals - another 3 questions, 1-2 connections, 1 visualizing, 1-2 inferences - due Fri
6. Music - bring recorders on Wednesday
7. LA - autobiography research - due Tuesday

*Report Card envelopes returned
*Ski/snowboard forms returned
*Opera auditions next week
*School Science Fair - January 22
*Ask about Young Writer Conference - April 25th ($50)

Wednesday 8 January 2020

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

I am learning:

- what an array is and how to make them in Math
- how to edit our Tuesday stories in LA
- how to connect, question, infer and visualize with a book (Make Four Million Dollars by Next Thursday)
- about the Cordillera region (landforms, climate, natural resources)
- about animals in French

1. Read 20 minutes - for Snack & Chat
2. Math - review 2x tables (and division facts) - 5 minutes
3. Autobiography research - due Tuesday
4. LA - visual journals (3 questions, 1-2 connections, 1 visualizing, 1-2 inferences) - due Thursday
*Report Card envelopes returned
*Ski/snowboard forms returned
*School Science Fair is January 22
*Opera Auditions - Jan 13-18th

Tuesday 7 January 2020

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

I am learning:
- basic facts (review) and how they compare to division facts
- about "Make Four Million Dollars by Next Thursday"; connections, inferences, questioning, visualizing
- about regions (compare Cordillera and Canadian Shield)

1. Read 20 minutes
2. Review 2x tables (and division) - 5 minutes
3. Autobiography research - due next Tuesday
4. Snack & Chat book title - due Friday
*Field trip forms (skiing/snowboarding) returned
*Report card envelopes returned